Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics 2131 Sydney, Bachelor of Science (Major subjects- Physics & Mathematics) Master of Arts in Economics (Optional M, Sydney Inglese, Inglese Nachhilfe in Sydney : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Inglese Sydney

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Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 33587 Sydney in Florida | 2000 Sydney in New South Wales | 1110 Sydney in New South Wales | 1112 Sydney in New South Wales | 1113 Sydney in New South Wales | 1114 Sydney in New South Wales | 1115 Sydney in New South Wales | 1116 Sydney in New South Wales | 1117 Sydney in New South Wales | 1118 Sydney in New South Wales | 1119 Sydney in New South Wales | 1120 Sydney in New South Wales | 1121 Sydney in New South Wales | 1122 Sydney in New South Wales | 1123 Sydney in New South Wales | 1124 Sydney in New South Wales | 1125 Sydney in New South Wales | 1126 Sydney in New South Wales | 1127 Sydney in New South Wales | 1128 Sydney in New South Wales
Suche: Inglese in Sydney  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Sydney

Nachhilfe Mathematics Beginers to grade 10

ID 21532
aus 2131 Sydney
Bachelor of Science (Major subjects- Physics & Mathematics) Master of Arts in Economics (Optional Mathematics and Quantitative Techniques)
Beginers to grade 10
I have completed Bachelor of Science ( with major subjects as Maths and Physics ) and then Master of Arts in Economics ( with optional subjects of Quantitative Techniques and Mathematics) from Tribhuwan University, *T* in the year 2001 . After my study, I started working in Occidental Public School as the maths teacher. In the year 2003, I was appointed as the Head of the mathematics department. I have the experince of teaching the students of grades VII to grade X.I have the special skill of making my classes interesting. Though mathematics is a tough subject, students used to wait maths class eagerly. That is where I am good. Explaining the basic things in the micro level draws the attention of students of all intellectuality levels.I am good in English as well. I have taught in English medium in my country and have secured overall band score of 7 in IELTS.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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