Mastodon Nachhilfe biology Hong Kong, Bachelor of Science (Zoology and Genetics) rnAustralian National University (ranked no.1 in Australi, Hong Kong Biology, Biology Nachhilfe in Hong Kong : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Biology Hong Kong

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Suche: Biology in Hong Kong  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Hong Kong

Nachhilfe Biology Bachelor degree

ID 38877
aus Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science (Zoology and Genetics) rnAustralian National University (ranked no.1 in Australia)
Bachelor degree
I am a graduate of BSc in Science (major in genetics and zoology) from the Australian National University (ranked no.1 in Australia) I am looking to provide Biology tutoring to students sitting for secondary school exams or public exams. I am also familiar with other general science subjects such as Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics My teaching method is to stimulate students solving problems critically without the need to memorizing the whole book. This thinking system is used in university extensively. Therefore, practising thinking earlier in studies can benefit students' in a long term manner. I am available on weekdays. Please contact through my e-mail to arrange tutoring classes. I will not receive any payment for the first trial lesson unless you want to continue the tuition. I personally prefer students from the New Territories as I live in North District. I prefer a pay not less than $50/hr I am looking forward to your enquiry.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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